Brockville and District Shrine Club
Community Organizations
The Brockville and District Shrine Club is a fraternity dedicated to fostering family-centred fun, fellowship, and philanthropy. Their primary focus is to raise awareness, visibility, and support for their philanthropic cause, which is the Shriners Hospital for Children.
As a fraternity, the Brockville and District Shrine Club offers a range of services and activities aimed at creating a sense of community, enjoyment, and camaraderie among its members and their families.
• Family-Centred Fun: The Brockville and District Shrine Club organizes various events and activities that are suitable for the whole family. These events provide opportunities for members and their families to bond, socialize, and have a good time together.
• Fellowship: The fraternity emphasizes the importance of fellowship among its members. They create an inclusive and supportive environment where members can build friendships, share common interests, and support one another.
• Philanthropy: The primary philanthropic focus of the Brockville and District Shrine Club is to support the Shriners Hospital for Children. They raise funds and increase awareness about the hospital’s mission to provide specialized paediatric care to children in need, regardless of their ability to pay.
• Awareness and Visibility: The fraternity works diligently to increase awareness and visibility for their philanthropic cause. They actively engage with the community through events, fundraisers, and public outreach to promote the work of the Shriners Hospital for Children and the impact it has on the lives of children and their families.