Brief and Associates Inc.


Brief and Associates Inc. is a reputable financial consulting firm that has been assisting individuals and small to medium-sized businesses in Toronto and Eastern Ontario for over 40 years. As licensed insolvency trustees, their dedicated team specializes in helping clients overcome financial challenges and find effective solutions tailored to their unique circumstances. With a compassionate approach, they understand the stress and emotional impact of financial difficulties and strive to provide personalized guidance and support throughout the process.


    •    Credit Counselling Services: Brief and Associates Inc. offers professional credit counselling services to help individuals gain a clear understanding of their financial situation. They provide guidance on budgeting, debt management, and strategies to improve overall financial well-being.

    •    Consumer Proposals or Debt Consolidation Plans: The firm assists clients in exploring options such as consumer proposals and debt consolidation plans. They work closely with individuals to negotiate manageable repayment terms with creditors, helping to reduce debt burdens and regain financial stability.

    •    Bankruptcy Services: In cases where bankruptcy is the most suitable option, Brief and Associates Inc. provides comprehensive bankruptcy services. Their experienced team navigates clients through the process, ensuring a smooth transition and providing the necessary support along the way.

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